Business News

Adaptive technology … or, the loo that changes with your daily needs

We all have ‘off’ days. We all change with time. If a person has any limitation, those issues have a greater impact on psychological wellbeing, and their ability to do even simple things themselves.

One area where that can be easily addressed- and an area one wouldn’t probably consider- is going to the loo. We do it an average of eight times a day, so it matters. Closomat has devised an effective solution.

The Closomat Palma Vita looks like- and can be used as a conventional WC. Its integrated douching and drying functions mean that, on an off day, the user can relax and leave the toilet to clean them, “hands free”.

The range of accessories further mean that the toilet can be adapted to individual needs as required- initially and over time as needs change: up to 130,000 permutations exist! Options range from paediatric to bariatric solutions, height adaptability, seats, douches, supports, lifters and operating mechanisms.

Its flexibility has been a primary reason why, today, the Closomat Palma Vita is the UK’s biggest-selling wash & dry (automatic shower/bidet) toilet. More than 50,000 Closomats have been sold in Britain alone.

Multiple Sclerosis sufferer Jay Denton appreciates the benefits. She initially had a Palma Vita, with a plinth to accommodate her height (5ft 9ins), to which is now been added one of Closomat’s Aerolet toilet lifters.

She says, “I never thought I would get excited about a toilet! I don’t want to depend on people doing things for me before I really need it. On good days I can ‘go’ and hardly use the features; on bad days, I can ‘go’ and not worry I could be sat there waiting for someone to come and help me.”

Closomat, founded 55 years ago, and still family-owned, is unique in its provision, in-house, of design advice, supply, installation, commissioning and after-sales service & maintenance for the Palma Vita and its range of accessible toileting solutions at home and away. Details of the Closomat’s assistive toilet care offerings, plus case studies from real-life users, can be found on its website


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