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The impact of the White Paper for social care reform
22nd June 2021, 11.30 am – 1.30 pm
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The health and social care mix: Does the white paper have the right ingredients for success or is it simply a recipe for disaster?
The White Paper sets out to support the health and care system to work together so that we live longer, healthier, active and more independent lives. As the system still battles with Covid and public finances get tighter are there sufficient resources to do this? Is the focus simply too narrow when what we need is social care reform? Does the White Paper have the right ingredients for success or is it simply a recipe for disaster?
This conference will see key influencers representing all areas of the sector come together to look at the White Paper and how this could shape social care reform. The conference programme will look at the role of Integrated Care Systems (ICS). Will the ICS put the needs of the NHS above the needs of people in receipt of social care? Will the Government’s focus on the White Paper overshadow the need to address social care reform? How will it tackle the inequalities in health, staff shortages and the status of the social care workforce? Is a merger with the NHS the way forward or would a national care service be best placed to put social care centre stage?
The virtual conference will allow a wide range of stakeholders to listen to and participate in the debate including the front line care and support staff, experts by experience, registered managers, thought leaders and influencers. In line with attendance at our other virtual conferences we expect 600 + delegates.
Chair: Kathryn Smith, CEO, Social Care Institute for Excellence
Speakers include:
Helen Whatley, Minister of State for Social Care
Helen Hayes MP, Co-chair, APPG
Vic Rayner, CEO, National Care Forum
Gavin Edwards, Senior National Officer, UNISON
Chelsea Lovell, Expert by Experience, Dimensions
Rachael Dodgson, Managing Director, Dimensions