
General Election 2024: Care home staff at Royal Star & Garter support veterans’ vote

Veterans in Royal Star & Garter’s care homes are about to exercise their democratic right, which they served and fought for, as they prepare to vote in the 2024 General Elections.

Staff at Royal Star & Garter are working hard to ensure residents in the Homes in Solihull, Surbiton and High Wycombe, are able to use their fundamental right to vote, should they wish to.

Residents are supported in registering for a postal vote when they move into a Royal Star & Garter Home. Staff have also been on hand to help residents register to vote, if they have not done so already, and where they wish to do it in person,  take them to polling stations on the 4 July election day.

Royal Star & Garter is a charity which provides loving, compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia, and has also launched new services reaching out into the local community.

Residents at the Homes explained why they want to cast their votes at the ballot box this time around.

Stan, from Solihull, served in the Army and is 92. He said: “Engaging in the electoral process through voting is a powerful way to contribute to the democratic process. It has always been very important to me to cast my vote and have my opinions heard.”

Bob lives in the Surbiton Home. The 89-year-old served in the Army, and said: “People I knew fought tyranny and evil so that I would have the right to vote. I always vote in elections, and I will vote during these elections. And when I do, I will remember the people who gave up so much to allow me to do so.”

In High Wycombe, RAF wife Yvonne, 88, said: “It’s important for me to vote so that my voice is heard. I don’t know if I’d have been able to do this without the help of staff here at Royal Star & Garter, so I’m very grateful to them.”

Shirley Hall, Director of Care & Wellbeing at Royal Star & Garter, said: “Older people care passionately about this country, and age is not a reason to disenfranchise people. Many of our residents served and fought for this country and its freedom. This included the right to vote, and I am delighted that so many want to express their democratic right, and that staff in our Homes are helping this important process to happen.”

Royal Star & Garter is welcoming new residents into its three Homes. For more information on this, the new services it is running, or to work for the charity, go to


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