Products and Services

Clearing up caring for obese clients

One of the less obvious issues when providing care support for obese clients is faecal incontinence. It causes health & hygiene concerns for care giver and recipient alike.

Closomat has a holistic solution, that not only addresses the health & hygiene issues for all involved, but enhances hygiene for the client, reduces manual handling considerations, improves the client’s mental wellbeing, and delivers better value for money within the care support package.

Replacement of a conventional WC with a bariatric Closomat Palma Vita wash & dry (smart) toilet equates to half the cost- or better- than providing two carers to assist with toileting(1).

The Closomat’s integrated douching and drying has been purpose designed to ensure even the deepest skin folds are effectively cleaned- and dried- of potentially contaminating faecal or urinary matter, without any need for manual cleansing by user or carer. As carer cleaning is eliminated, so are all the associated considerations with regard to manual handling for this purpose.

The bariatric Closomat ensures the user is sat appropriately, in the correct position and properly supported, over the pan, minimising risk of spillage.

The combination means the user can ‘go’, and be clean, without reliance on care support. Independence and dignity is restored.

“A study(2) of patients with obesity found 35% had liquid stool. Patient reported experience measures (PREMS) indicated significantly higher altered bowel movements in patients with incontinence,” observes Robin Tuffley, Closomat marketing manager. “The study also claims that identifying and addressing such factors is paramount in improving the patient’s quality of life.

“We all know our society is increasingly obese, so any means that enhances health & hygiene, and enables stretched resources to be utilised in the most effective way- where most needed- must be given due consideration when developing a care package.”

Closomat was the first company to introduce the concept of shower toilets into the UK, almost 60 years ago. It is now the #1, with the Palma Vita being the brand leader. To further help the care sector, it has introduced an innovative package- Palma Life- whereby the initial purchase price includes ongoing service & maintenance of the fixture for a total 10 years.(3).

Its website now features full cost of care analysis, plus a configurator to enable the Palma Vita to be tailored to individual user specification.


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