Nursing Opinion

Instilling confidence in care services

Ann Taylor, CEO, Hilton Nursing Partners

To say social care has its challenges is an understatement. The Department of Health and Social Care have thrust care providers into situations they could never have imagined.

Shocking headlines still take over our daily lives:

Police are investigating coronavirus-linked deaths in care homes, which totalled almost 1,978 up to October 11, according to National Records of Scotland.’

NHS denies elderly people were refused care during early Covid ‘

The heart breaking confusion of Covid for care home residents with dementia’

Government sanctioned discharges from hospital into care homes without covid tests, to visitation rights at care homes removed, the once settled sea of care and caring has become a minefield for those looking for and receiving care, and their families.

Amy Marshall and Kinga Sobieraj

It’s fraught for everyone right now in any situation but when it comes to making the right decisions about the care of your loved ones, it’s a tough decision to make, especially when there is so much uncertainty, bad press and differing information.

Early on in the pandemic families were removing their loved ones from care homes due to the high concentration of covid infections, now families are making another judgement call to remove their relatives based on the fact visiting rights in care homes are now denied.

The most important thing is we have to be confident that the ones we care for are safe. There are no guarantees right now, but we are instilling confidence in care services by providing person centred continuity of care in an individual’s own homes.

The peace of mind solution from Hilton Nursing Partners is a 24-hour care package with a strong focus on care continuity for patients and families.

We originally designed this to help individuals with specialist care requirements after a hospital discharge, the service is quickly being picked up by people looking for more hands-on and personal care services in their own homes.

One recent family to take up the service approached us after having experienced many forms of care provision ranging from domiciliary care to residential care, but none were viable long-term options for the family.

Covid had actually heightened the family’s anxiety about appropriate care. Their need to be in control as a family of the decision making process of what form of care would be best suited to their father led them to our service.

We were employed to help the family’s elderly father live with dementia safely in his own home. Not only does this keep their father safe and comfortable in his own surroundings but it allows the family to be present and active in his care too.

We were delighted when Susan Harrison, a daughter of the patient receiving 24 hour care, told us:

“Over the three months the Hilton team has been looking after our Dad it has really developed into something special. It has been particularly beneficial to have a small team of regular Hilton staff working predictable shift patterns. This has not only built better relationships with Dad, but also with us, his family. All the staff have been so dedicated, unflappable in the face of awkward moments.

“A good standard of professionalism with a human heart. There have been very few wrinkles. There have been many times when they have gone above and beyond to make things really work well. Dad has gone from being a bit hesitant about having carers to really appreciating their company. The online family portal system, once I had got used to the display, has been invaluable for keeping in touch the dad’s daily activity. From reading about his mood to sleep patterns and engagement with carers, the insight provides us as a family with real peace of mind.” 

To be able to provide this level of peace of mind to families requiring specialist care services is invaluable. The pandemic has compounded social care issues, it’s added jeopardy to the decision making process, no family should be in that position.

Our focus goes beyond care. We aim to maintain the independence of everyone we support. Whether it’s keeping an individual in their own home, rather than a care home, getting someone back on their feet after a hospital stay, respite care or night support, the service is person centred to ensure families and loved ones can rest comfortably knowing experts are supporting those they care for most.


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