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Beatles mania for Chislehurst care home residents as they mark John Lennon’s birthday

Resident Stevie at RMBI Care Co. Home Prince George Duke of Kent Court, in Chislehurst, in awe of the Liverpool Lads, a Beatles tribute band

In honour of John Lennon’s 84th birthday, residents and staff at RMBI Care Co. Home Prince George Duke of Kent Court, in Chislehurst, were in for a Beatles mania treat when a Beatles tribute band came to perform at their care home.

The ‘Liverpool Lads,’ comprised of members Alex, Michael, and Alex, recently visited residents as part of their tour around the UK. Earlier this month, they even performed at the famous Cavern Club in Liverpool, home of The Beatles.

Residents cheered on the boys, as they were entertained with famous songs including ‘I want to hold your hand’, ‘Twist and Shout’, and ‘Love Me Do’. After the

show, the band and their parents took the opportunity to chat with the audience about 60s music and fashion.

One resident, Stevie, who enjoyed their performance, says: “The boys were absolutely brilliant! It brought back memories of when I first listened to The Beatles when I was younger.”

Activities Coordinator Diane Connor, who helped to organise the event, says: “We had a fantastic day stepping back in time to revisit the 1960s. It made a real change to the old time singalong music we often have and it really brought back memories for our residents.”

According to the British Association of Music Therapy, ‘music plays an important role in our everyday lives. It can be exciting or calming, joyful or poignant, can stir memories and powerfully resonate with our feelings, helping us to express them and to communicate with others.’ *


RMBI Care Co. Home Prince George Duke of Kent Court, in Chistlehurst, is run by RMBI Care Co., part of the Masonic Charitable Foundation. For more information, please visit:


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