Learning Disabilities & Autism News Opinion

ARC England withdraws from the CQC Single Assessment Framework Review

Image depicts Arc England logo


In September 2024, ARC England, as a member of the Care Provider Alliance (CPA), was invited to participate in a review of the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) Single Assessment Framework (SAF). On behalf of our membership we committed to support this project, with the understanding that the input of our 100 learning disability and autism provider members would inform Sir Mike Richards’s comprehensive SAF review.

Key Issue:

On October 15th, we discovered that Sir Mike Richards had already published his report, despite the CPA project not being due for completion until December. The Richards’ report indicated that consultations had already taken place with certain membership bodies, yet ARC England’s views were not included.


1. ARC England’s members were unable to influence the Richards report, contrary to what we were led to believe

2. This situation has further damaged CQC’s already low credibility within the sector

3. The CQC appears to have misrepresented their intentions regarding genuine provider consultation


Given these circumstances and the documented failures outlined in both Dr Penny Dash’s and Sir Mike Richards’ reports, ARC England is withdrawing from the SAF review project to better serve our members’ interests.

“Once in a lifetime reset”

We believe the CQC should suspend its operations until it can demonstrate genuine commitment to following through on its stated intentions and consultative processes.

Furthermore, we have published the ARC England Vision Statement for the Future of Social Care Regulation with a more detailed set of organisational principles which include:

Suggested organisational principles

A just culture that values:

1. Transparency

2. Collaborative working

3. Quality assurance that enables choice and control

4. Recognising purpose and belonging

5. Establishing mutual expectations

Clive Parry, ARC England Director


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