
Supporting registered managers is vital

Oliver French, Project Manager at Skills for Care

Registered managers demonstrate a breathtaking balance of technical knowledge, problem-solving, compassion and empathy. They’re some of the most skilled and committed professionals in our sector, excelling at looking after their services and staff. But how good are they at looking after themselves?

When we surveyed over 850 registered managers in 2018 they described a role characterised by change, where keeping up-to-date is essential and where managers struggle to find time and space for themselves. This is essential to maintaining a caring and well-led service.

Two-thirds of managers surveyed in 2017 reported benefiting from sharing best practice, increased confidence and better knowledge of legislation after attending a network. Skills for Care supports local registered manager networks across England that offers information and guidance and support the professional identity of registered managers.

We’re also the membership organisation for registered managers in England, with members belonging to a growing community of dedicated managers, committed to delivering outstanding care. Alongside professional identity, membership is about receiving regular, practical and relevant information through resources, newsletters and other activities.

Registered managers fulfil a crucial role in our sector. If a service is rated Good or Outstanding against Well-led at CQC inspection, they’re more likely to be rated as Good or Outstanding overall. Our suite of Good and outstanding care resources focuses on supporting managers, employers and services to prepare for inspection. They offer practical real-life examples and tips from providers rated ‘Good’ and ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

All managers must therefore take pride in their role and ability to care for others, whilst remembering that to look after others to the best of their ability, they also have to look after themselves.

Find out more about the support available to registered managers at www.skillsforcare.org.uk/registeredmanagers



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