
How to be Outstanding … Prestige Nursing + Care

Katie Hart, Kelly Hawkins, Emma Bonney, Jane Lys, Tina Holloway

Each month we profile a care provider who has achieved an Outstanding rating with the Care Quality Commission and find out what they think it takes to be truly Outstanding.  This month we feature Prestige Nursing + Care  who received an overall ‘Outstanding’ rating for its Plymouth branch for the way the service is led, and for the level of care of its services.

The care industry is currently facing huge pressures, including an ageing population, a delay in government assistance and a National Health Service that is already at breaking point. However, despite these clear challenges, there are also many success stories of care providers and workers going above and beyond to care for people. The care sector provides crucial support to countless individuals and local communities, so it is important that the vital work in this sector is recognised.

CQC rating

To ensure that providers are delivering high standards of care, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) undertakes regular visits and rates care providers on their level of service. The CQC judges providers on a range of criteria including how effective the branch is, how caring the staff are and how well-led the provisions are, amongst other factors.

In March 2019, Prestige Nursing + Care was awarded an ‘Outstanding’ rating by the CQC for its Plymouth branch, something very few services in the UK receive. It was a fantastic achievement for the branch and built on the success of ‘good’ ratings the branch had previously received.

The branch was inspected by the CQC in January 2019. The report stated that: ‘Everyone we spoke with, without exception, told us that the care and service provided by staff and management at Prestige Nursing + Care Plymouth was outstanding.’ It also praised the branch manager, Emma Bonney for her ‘open culture and commitment to constantly make improvements to the care the branch provides.’ The service received ‘good’ ratings for its safety, effectiveness, and responsiveness by the CQC.

The branch in Crownhill, Plymouth, received the Outstanding rating specifically for the way the service is led, and for the level of care of its services. Another main factor was its links with the local community – something that the branch is especially proud of.

Local services

For care providers, links with the local community are essential, so it’s important that providers like Prestige Nursing + Care are visible and active in the local community. Prestige Nursing + Care Plymouth branch hosts numerous events and engages with the community for this reason. It also regularly assesses the care that it provides, which includes supporting people who require companionship through to those with complex health needs.

The branch routinely supplies experienced care and nursing staff to homecare clients, care homes, specialist respite centres, day centres, GP surgeries, day centres, residential schools and occupational health establishments. This also enables the branch to build further links with local businesses and organisations. To help foster these relationships, the team also has a presence on Facebook, posting pictures and updates so that followers can see what the team is up to.

The care pressures

As we know, the population is living longer, meaning that more and more people now require some form of care provision, which puts added pressure on the NHS and the care industry. It is therefore vital that people are aware of the services available in their local area. By being rated by the CQC, care providers are able to highlight their services and showcase where they excel. The Prestige Nursing + Care Plymouth branch is a fantastic example of delivering outstanding care and constantly seeking to improve.




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