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Musik Matters at Amherst Court care home

Musik Matters visited Amherst Court care home, Chatham, owned and operated by Avante Care and Support in August. Avante Care & Support knows that music is incredibly important to older people, because people of all ages have a real connection to music. It enhances memories, and it can help with calmness and relaxation.

Musik Matters is an organisation that is dedicated to providing music therapy and sensory stimulation to individuals living in residential care and Avante Care & Support was keen to see how Musik Matters could enhance the lives of our residents.

Marie Taylor Activity Coordinator said, ‘We saw at first hand the impact of music on our residents when Neil of Musik Matters visited the home. Neil had a long chat with one resident, Paul, about music over the years. Paul told Neil all about his music collection, his love for Elvis, the King of Rock ’n’ Roll and Jerry Lee Lewis. Neil then did a quick quiz with Paul, playing the intro to Elvis songs for Paul to guess what they were. Neil quickly realised that Paul was a super fan and had to include some less well known songs as he got all of them right!

 Neil was then introduced to Constance who was relaxing in her bedroom. Constance loves hymns. Neil began singing Amazing Grace and Constance instantly reacted really positively to the music and was very happy, even shaking his hand when he finished singing.

Since Neil’s visit it has been the talk of the home. People were especially appreciative that Neil recognised that some residents prefer the comfort and privacy of their own bedrooms to take part in activities, and Neil made sure this happened.


Amherst Court care home has been rated as an outstanding care home by CQC. Come and see what Amherst Court has to offer, for more information or to arrange a viewing please call 01634 400009 or visit


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