St George’s Court Care Home in Cambridge is celebrating a significant milestone following a
recent inspection by the local authority. The recent PAMMS inspection at the care home resulted
in an overall rating of ‘Good’, indicating a remarkable turnaround and significant progress in the
care home’s journey of improvement. The report also noted that the care home ‘exceeded the
regional standard’ in its commitment to nutritional care plans.
This inspection utilised the PAMMS tool, an online assessment report created after a visual on-site
inspection, to measure the quality of care delivered within adult social care services. The PAMMS
tool is a critical indicator of a care home’s performance, highlighting areas of excellence and those
needing improvement, thereby helping care homes prepare for future inspections.
After receiving an ‘Inadequate’ rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following their
inspection on 28th June 2023, St George’s Court swiftly implemented a stringent improvement plan
with support from regional team members and Excelcare’s central support office. Significant
investments were made to transform facilities and address key areas highlighted by the CQC.
Despite the 13-month gap since the CQC inspection, the care home still holds an ‘Inadequate’
rating with the regulator. The team at St George’s Court eagerly await a revisit from the CQC,
hopeful that the improvements made will lead to a reassessment. They firmly believe that St
George’s Court is a good home, and expect this to be reflected in the CQC’s next report.
Jayne Wardell, Home Manager at St George’s Court, expressed her delight with the inspection
results, stating, “I am thrilled with the outcome of our recent local authority PAMMS inspection.
Since joining the team at St George’s Court, my mission has been to enhance every aspect of
daily life for the people who live here. The positive outcome of our recent PAMMS inspection
shows significant progress has been made. I know St George’s Court is a good home where
people live life to the fullest, and I am excited to see how our improvements are reflected in our
next CQC inspection.”
This achievement underscores the commitment of St George’s Court Care Home to delivering
high-quality care and creating a positive living environment for its residents. The home looks
forward to continuing its journey of excellence and sustained improvement.