Local Learning Disability Technology specialist Alex Roland from Your IT Now wants to change & make a difference, through his passion for video gaming. He was shocked after reading that over a third * (36%) of disabled people report they are still spending too much time alone – the same level as during the peak of lockdown in April. On top of this, almost half of disabled people (46%) are experiencing worse mental health compared to one in five (18%) non-disabled people. This dismal picture is likely to be even worse for people with a learning disability who often face higher levels of social isolation and more mental health issues.
Alex has launched a brand new service for Neurodivergent adults over 18, people with Learning Disabilities and Autism.The service is based around bringing both the people he supports and the wider Learning Disability community together through games and gaming.
Alex says,
“Game Changer, is a 3hr session based at Taunton Library and the “ Hub Charity , Angel place Bridgwater where people can come together to chat, chill and play the latest , greatest games or just play the games they grew up with and love”
We specialise in games such as Nintendos “Ring-fit adventures” which get people physically as well as mentally active. Gaming isn’t just about people sitting in darkened rooms playing in isolation, it’s a massively important social activity for many people and we want to help people get the most from it”
Alex also launched ANVG ( The Association for neurodiversity in video games) in 2021 which aims to help people with neurodiversity have their voices heard in the Gaming industry.
Game Changer opened its doors at 1pm Monday June 6th at the “Glass Box “ Taunton library by Lizzie Ginbey from “Digital Somerset” it then opened on the Thursday 16th June in The Hub Charity ,Angel place ,Bridgwater for weekly free sessions.
He obtained funding from a range of local organisations including Somerset County Council , Somerset Community Foundation and Discovery.
This project is part of Love Community CIC which is a strategic umbrella organisation that represents a range of community based initiatives. The companies key aims are to support activities that will benefit the whole community with the intention of reducing social isolation, increasing community engagement, increasing health and wellbeing, building confidence, forming friendships and learning new skills.