News sustainability

Family run care home group highlights sustainability efforts and sets ambitious goals for a greener future

A family-run care home group has announced its sustainability goals and green initiatives for the future – highlighting its dedication to making a positive impact on the environment and the communities it serves.


Nellsar Care Homes, which operates 13 homes across Kent, Surrey and Essex, integrated sustainability into its core values at the end of last year, targeting environmental responsibility, social sustainability, and operational efficiency – with its successful efforts seeing the group reach some key milestones in the first half of 2024.


However, Nellsar’s commitment doesn’t stop there. Before the end of 2024, the group aims to launch sustainability training for its teams and publish a dedicated sustainability page on its website. The group will also launch interdepartmental ‘Gloves Off’ and ‘Switch Off’ campaigns, and ‘Green Day’ events across the group. Each home will be responsible for identifying and appointing a ‘Green Champion’ to advocate for environmental responsibility, whilst sustainability will be included as a permanent topic in team meetings.


Martin Barrett, Managing Director of Nellsar Care Homes, said: “It’s about ensuring that the care we provide today doesn’t compromise the world we leave behind for future generations. Our efforts are not unilateral, but bring together our teams, residents, families, suppliers and the communities our care homes belong to. We are not only focused on the immediate steps, but are also invested in long-term strategies that will continue to benefit our residents, communities, and the environment for years to come.”


Nellsar’s one-year goals include the completion of the Hengist Field solar panels pilot project, which has officially begun and will inform the group of how to move forward with its sister homes. The care home group will also continue the implementation of any remaining digital system modules, including e-MAR, to improve medication management and reduce waste, as well as expanding the homes’ vegetable gardens to promote more sustainable food practices.


Longer term goals that the group want to achieve before the end of the decade include reaching a 100% paperless operation and increasing the use of green energy to work towards becoming carbon neutral and supporting the Government’s net zero target for 2050. The group will also publish annual sustainability reports to track progress and share achievements. By implementing all these initiatives, Nellsar hopes to obtain certification for its sustainability practices and to be recognised on a local and national level.


For more information on Nellsar, please visit:


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