Real Lives

Gareth’s inspirational journey: overcoming challenges and empowering others

A role model: Gareth, a service user at one of Hightown's care and supported housing services.

In a world where true strength is measured by determination and resilience, Gareth, a service user at one of Hightown’s care and supported housing services for people with learning disabilities in Buckinghamshire, stands as a role model.

Gareth embraces the unique strengths of individuals with Down syndrome and has embarked on a journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. This article looks at Gareth’s remarkable achievements, highlighting his true spirit, contributions to the community, and his aspirations to empower others.

Health and Fitness: After his GP advised him to lose weight in order to better control his cholesterol levels, Gareth committed himself to a new lifestyle. He embraced a nutritious diet and began attending weekly gym sessions guided by his personal trainer. With the support of Hightown’s staff at Verney Road, Gareth’s transition to a healthier routine was made smoother. They assisted him in planning nutritious meals and provided encouragement and motivation for his regular fitness activities.

Pursuing Passions: Gareth has tapped into his passion for photography which he shares with his mum, constructing intricate Lego sets, putting together Disney jigsaw puzzles, and encouraging others to take part in sports activities as a coach. His infectious energy has inspired people around him to embrace sport and physical activities. Gareth is busy, active, and great with people.

Empowerment and Aspirations: “I am an independent person”, Gareth states proudly. This independence has been fostered by the support of Hightown’s dedicated staff, who have created an environment where Gareth feels safe and secure in his own home and is treated with dignity, compassion, and respect.

Hightown’s VoiceBox; Gareth is a key member of Hightown’s Voicebox Complaints Panel Group, a platform that amplifies the voices of residents and service users. He contributes invaluable insights and suggestions for improving services, ensuring decisions are made collaboratively with those they impact. Gareth enjoys being involved, feeling empowered by the ability to influence positive change.

Samantha King, Hightown’s scheme manager, mentions: “Gareth has worked hard to maintain his fitness and general health. He has come far and is doing really well, evidenced in his weight loss journey. Gareth really enjoys VoiceBox and having a voice within Hightown. This has empowered Gareth, so much so, that he would like to work for the company!”

Gareth added: “Hightown staff make me feel cosy and safe in my home. They also keep me on track by giving me tips on road safety. One day I would like to work at Hightown as a support worker to help other people.”

Gareth’s commitment to his health, pursuit of passions, empowerment of others, and active participation in decision-making processes are a testament to his extraordinary spirit. As Hightown continues to foster an environment where people can be independent and fulfil their potential, Gareth’s story serves as a reminder of the strength that lies within all of us, regardless of our abilities or challenges.


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