Celebrate Real Lives

Bournemouth care home residents and staff go ‘full pink’ to help combat cancer

Resident Joan Rollason collects her raffle prize with Team Leader Rebecca Coles at RMBI Care Co. Home Zetland Court, in Bournemouth

Residents and staff at RMBI Care Co. Home Zetland Court, in Bournemouth, have joined forces to raise money for Breast Cancer Now, a charity that provides research and life-changing care for people affected by breast cancer.

The staff used pink ornaments to decorate the Home, including its extensive gardens, and organised a series of afternoon tea parties. Even relatives gave a hand by making wonderful cakes for everyone to enjoy. In total, the care home has managed to raise around £500 from raffles and donations.

The residents and staff set up tables on the end of the Home’s drive and served tea, coffee and cakes to passers-by, neighbours, ambulance staff, postmen and refuse collectors.

Karen Casey, one of Zetland Court’s Activities Coordinators, said: “We suggested donations and they were very generous! The residents joined us and were very happy to meet the neighbours and wave to people on the open-topped buses passing by.”

RMBI Home Zetland Court, in Bournemouth, is run by RMBI Care Co., part of the Masonic Charitable Foundation. For more information, please visit: http://www.rmbi.org.uk/


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