Learn Nursing Opinion

Upskilling to deliver personalised clinical care

Lisa Grainger, Clinical Lead, Right at Home UK

Lisa Grainger, Clinical Lead, Right at Home UK

Perhaps the most common misconception about working in care is that it’s low-skilled or lacks career progression. This is unequivocally false.

Yet, it’s hardly surprising that this stereotype persists when carers are still deemed as “unskilled” workers and research shows care workers suffer a 20% pay shortfall in comparison to those working in other sectors with similar skill levels.

In the social care sector, we know better than anyone that carers provide an invaluable lifeline to vulnerable individuals. Our CareGivers’ dedication and compassion for their work is vital to assist those who cannot fully care for themselves. It’s also an integral component of our wider healthcare system, helping Clients remain at home for longer, reducing potential hospital admissions and alleviating pressure on the NHS.

Our CareGivers are also motivated for more. More opportunities for skills training, more progression and choice for their future careers and the chance to challenge perceptions about what care work is, and what it can be.

As one of the UK’s largest homecare providers, we feel strongly we have a responsibility to help fulfil CareGivers’ ambitions by facilitating clinical skills training, and in doing so, help upskill our current social care workforce.

Currently, national social care nursing and clinical training offerings remain underdeveloped and lacking in consistency and evidence. The lasting impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, combined with the cost-of-living crisis have placed increased pressure on our health service, therefore providers like Right at Home can, and should, help to diversify routes for clinical care training for Carers.

I’m delighted to have joined Right at Home at what is an exciting time for the business. In my role as designated Clinical Lead, I’m working on the delivery of our network’s Clinical Care Project, which will enable CareGivers to deliver personalised clinical care to Clients, such as catheter care, bowel stoma care and Gastrostomy/PEG care confidently, competently and within a defined framework.

With over 30 years of experience in healthcare across different settings including acute, primary and community care, I know far more can be done to deliver cohesive, preventative healthcare. I’ve worked within many multi-disciplinary care teams across sectors and have experienced first-hand the need for enhanced social and home care, and the huge potential and motivation in our CareGivers to deliver this enhanced level of care.

One way we can achieve this is through harnessing the untapped potential within our current social care workforce, providing them with appropriate training, competence, and confidence to deliver enhanced care.

District Nursing teams are increasingly stretched and whilst many would love to deliver CareGiver training and competency sign off, they neither have the time nor the resources.

Our CareGivers, who already have strong personal relationships with their Clients, are arguably best placed to carry out delegated healthcare activities. They will know the person well, be aware of Clients’ histories, have a personal rapport with them and fundamentally understand what is important to them to deliver consistent person-centred care.

Our Clinical Care Project can contribute significantly to DHSC initiatives to meet individuals’ more complex needs within community settings, while also offering a career structure for those wishing to extend their skills and develop their roles within the company.

Already we’re seeing positive results from our pilot project. As of September 2023, Right at Home has over 120 CareGivers clinically trained and deemed competent to deliver Urinary Catheter Care and Bowel Stoma Care to Clients. Those same CareGivers will also have completed training in Gastrostomy/PEG care during October 2023.

By the end of the year, we will have launched the training to the whole Right at Home network. Together, we’re striving to deliver the highest quality Delegated Activity training with a full competency sign off process, to our homecare Franchise Network.  This will enable our Clients to receive continuously high levels of care in their own homes, together with a clear clinical care pathway for those CareGivers who wish to take it and enhance their career.



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