
From the ground up: nurturing leaders of tomorrow

Torri Funnell, Director at Dedicated Care

Torri Funnell, Director at Dedicated Care discusses how their workforce strategy contributes to providing an Outstanding service

At Dedicated Care we are very passionate about growing our own leaders within the company and helping people to progress through their own career pathways. We believe that once someone has the enthusiasm and commitment to progress, develop and expand their knowledge we can guide and teach them the rest. When a staff member is working well and has already established bonds with the people they support, family members and their colleagues half the hard work is already done. When we support people to progress into management and leadership roles, they already know the people they are supporting which helps to create a well-managed environment. Often, they have already been part of decision making for these individuals and they understand the culture and values of the service provided.

We believe that staff retention is extremely important and have found that allowing people to progress within their job roles help us to retain staff members. If the staff know that they can have a personal development plan implemented with the opportunity to learn and develop they are less likely to look for more advances job roles elsewhere in other companies. Let’s face it – most humans do not like change so if we can offer them the option of progressing where they are, then most people will take this option rather than having to learn a whole new company and culture. We use an employee recognition award scheme which helps us to promote a positive workplace where team members support one another. This scheme allows any staff member within the company to nominate another team member. Once they have done this the team member will receive a recognition certificate and a voucher paid for by the company. This helps people to feel valued and promotes an open culture amongst team members, we find it really valuable that any team member can nominate – not just those in management roles.

We can often identify people who would potential leaders, the people that have good communication skills and can work positively with others. We are open in approaching these people and telling them their strengths and that they would be a good potential leader/manager in the future. This often plants the seed! It gives people hope and confidence to know that they are good enough to progress within their job role when they are ready. We use personal development plans to help people set short- and long-term goals. All of our management team started as support workers with personal development plans and have worked through the stages of lead supports, assistant managers up to service managers. This also gives the next generation of leader’s motivation when they see how their management team worked through all the roles and progressed and developed.


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