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From NHS to Nursing Home

Faye Operanta, Fieldbay

Throughout the year we profile a care professional who has come into the sector after a career change and who demonstrates that it really is never too late to care!  This month we meet Faye Operanta, Registered Manager at St Albans Nursing Home, who’s journey working in acute nursing in the NHS led her to a career in social care.

Transitioning from the hustle of acute nursing in the NHS to the fulfilling realm of care at St Albans Nursing Home, Faye Operanta embodies the ethos that it’s never too late to embrace a career change in the care sector. She stands as a beacon of passion and dedication in her role as a Registered Manager, conducting a symphony of care for people with diverse and complex needs.

Faye’s journey into care is one that’s familiar with lots of people in the sector. She started as a nurse in the NHS back in 2004, but found herself increasingly disillusioned by the admin and paperwork that overshadowed the essence of patient care. Faye’s heart was always with looking after people and personal interactions rather than bureaucracy and paperwork.  Making the move to the private sector provided her with opportunity to really make a difference in people’s lives.

She joined Crusader Care initially, before this was taken over by Fieldbay, where she works now.  The Fieldbay values, or the Fieldbay Way, resonated deeply with her, as did the culture of kindness, excellence and compassion.

Her dedication and hard work helped her to rise through the ranks, from Clinical Lead to Deputy Manager, and eventually to Registered Manager where she is today.  Faye’s journey was marked by unwavering dedication to making a difference.

She embraced every opportunity to develop and undertook qualifications, further developing her knowledge and skills. Fieldbay’s support provided her with the building blocks to grow her career, ensuring that her passion for making a difference stayed strong.

At St Albans, Faye oversees a bustling hive of activity, and makes sure that every member of her team feels valued and empowered. From managing daily operations to fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration, Faye leaves no stone unturned in her quest to create a workplace where everyone thrives.  From the domestic team to the kitchen staff, she wanted to create an environment where everybody could see the difference they make to the lives of the people we support.

Faye said, “During my career I feel like I’ve achieved a lot but what I’ve done since being in Fieldbay is what makes me the most proud.  When I started, we were struggling with recruitment and bringing in the right colleagues, but I’ve worked hard to bring in the best people to help us deliver outstanding levels of care to the people we support.  Seeing our survey results now, and how well we’ve done just fills me with pride and makes me see that all the hard work we put in ha s made a massive difference.

And the holidays are always brilliant!”

While her professional aspirations continue, Faye’s heart and priorities are with her family. With two beautiful granddaughters, she makes the most of every moment she spends with them. Balancing the demands of work and family, Faye embodies resilience and grace in equal measure.

In a world where compassion often takes a backseat, Faye’s passion for care serves as an inspiration for us all. Whether managing seamless operations or lending a compassionate ear, she exemplifies the transformative power of care. With every smile she elicits and every life she touches, Faye reaffirms the timeless truth: it’s never too late to make a difference.



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