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Skills for Care offers new resource to support care providers with CQC inspection changes

Skills for Care, the strategic workforce development and planning body for social care in England, has published updated support for social care providers ahead of changes to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection process.

The organisation has introduced a new version of its GO Online: Inspection toolkit to prepare care providers for the new CQC Single Assessment Framework coming into effect later this year.

The Single Assessment Framework builds upon the CQC’s existing inspection focus and introduces new areas of focus. The CQC regulations are staying the same and inspectors will continue to look at the same five key questions to determine if a service is ‘Safe’, ‘Effective’, ‘Caring’, ‘Responsive’ and ‘Well-led’.

However, the Key Lines of Enquiries (KLOEs) which formed the basis of CQC inspector interview questions and associated evidence will soon be discontinued.

These will be replaced by 34 new Quality Statements.

The Quality Statements take a closer look at what the CQC will expect for your service to be rated Good or above. Each Quality Statement will be scored by the CQC as part of their ongoing monitoring and inspection process, with the overall scores informing the rating of the service.

Whilst there is a lot crossover with the current inspection focus, regulated providers will need to be ready to evidence new focus too; including workforce wellbeing; promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion; connecting with integrated care in their area, and ensuring environmental sustainability.

The updated GO Online: Inspection toolkit provides practical information, advice and resources covering all five key questions.  New content in the updated toolkit includes:

  • new films – providing introductions to each of the Quality Statements, helping providers understand what inspectors will be looking for;
  • new recommendations – informed by good and best practice, enabling providers to consider what may need to be evidenced to meet or exceed CQC expectations;
  • new practical examples – showing what other providers are already doing around each of the Quality Statements;
  • new resources – including a wider range of support from Skills for Care and others related to each area of inspection.

The updated toolkit has been co-produced with support from scie, NICE and The Outstanding Society.

Since the updated toolkit was published 10,000 users have already accessed the resource highlighting the demand for information on this topic ahead of the inspection changes coming into place.

The toolkit and further information can be found at: www.skillsforcare.org.uk/go



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