
#ShareWhyYouCare: Launch of dedicated awareness week celebrates the reasons why staff care

Recent headlines have highlighted a care sector under pressure, with 165,000 vacancies needing to be filled. In a bid to raise awareness of careers in care as well as celebrating the people already working within the sector, one care sector technology platform is kicking off 2023 by calling on care staff to share the reasons they work in the industry

By launching a dedicated awareness week to underpin the activity – #ShareWhyYouCare week, which is set to fall between 30th January and 5th February 2023 – the initiative calls for the 1.5 million people who work in adult social care to share why they’ve chosen a career in care, and help others appreciate the huge positives and great sense of reward.

The awareness week has been initiated by Care Hires, a temporary staffing management platform for the care sector, as it seeks to support the workforce across the industry.

Speaking of the initiative, Suleman Sacranie, Co-Founder of Care Hires, said: “So often, working in the care sector is termed as vocational and seen as a ‘calling’, and while there are millions of people working in care, we know first-hand that their reasons for doing so are often unshared, yet could provide a real source of connection, community and inspiration.”

He continued: “The care sector is under immense pressure. The understaffing, underfunding, need for more beds and rising costs are all contributing to yet another ‘once in a lifetime’ event, hot on the heels of the pandemic. We wanted to start 2023 with something positive to celebrate the staff who are rising to meet these challenges daily while raising awareness of the sector as a career path to those who may not have previously considered it. There are some incredible people working in care doing incredible things and we’d love to share their stories.”

To engage with #sharewhyyoucare week, care sector staff simply need to add their thoughts to the hashtag, on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Tiktok, focusing on the positive reasons behind their work and the difference they’re making. Care providers and, indeed, individuals are able to visit to download a dedicated toolkit as well as a selection of social assets to help drive the messaging behind the awareness week and showcase their involvement.

Care Hires hopes to find the most common, connecting reasons for working within the care sector, encouraging a sense of community and support during challenging times.

For more information about Care Hires, please visit

To download assets and for more information about #sharewhyyoucare week, visit


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